The tour of the Fabulous Troupe has come to an end...
...but the show must go on! In April 2024, it began the tour of Lottie Dottie Chicken’s Top 10, our new official show.
More than 200 thousand people attended the group
Traveling around Brazil since 2018 — with a break between 2020 and 2022 due to the pandemic —, this show marked an entire generation, having been seen by over 200 thousand people. We were on stage 380 times, vibrating, singing, dancing, and enjoying ourselves greatly with the children and their families. During this time, we visited over 20 states with performances in theaters, typical parties, music festivals, agricultural fairs, and even some very special birthdays.
We will miss MC Maria Clotilde’s voice, the playfulness of the Purple Rooster, Little Yellow Chickadee’s laughter, the smell of chocolate from Lil Butterfly, and all the characters who shared the stage with us. We thank the dedication and talent of the actors, actresses, and technical team who participated in this show with us. And, of course, none of this would have been possible without our audience. We are very grateful to each and every one of you.
In December 2023, the curtains closed for the last time.